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Looking to buy small portable setup for my first telescope, I want to view 98% and possibly do some moon shots with my dslr not long exposure images.

Take peak at what my options are:

Scope: skymax Mak 127






Eq3-2 deluxe




Celestron nexstar 4se

Please let me have your experiences with the above or your suggestions.



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I have the 127 on eq3-2. For visual viewing it is stunning. The tripod needs to be weighted a bit in my opinion and for photography you realy have to make sure everything is tight or you will get shutter shake on your pics. I found the easiest way to get decent pics of the moon was to film it in hi-def then screen grab frames but I shall be trying out more photography next time I'm out.

Possibly get the eq5 mount if you can as that should be solid.

So basically yes I would more than recommend the 127 but maybe get a better mount.

Oh also for plain old fashioned viewing get at least 1 decent eyepiece. You will see the difference straight away. It was like looking through a different scope when I got my BST.

You will no doubt get a lot of great of replies and I'm sure your decision will be the right 1.

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I never seem to settle on a particular scope. One scope for everything? Never. For that reason I tend to think of the mount first. Also mounts and scopes are definte separate items, not integrated.

If you go for the biggest mount you can carry and afford, you will have greatest flexibility in the future if (when) you try another scope.

A big (featured) mount hurts the wallet once only.

But if too big it hurts your back every time out.

I have never used any of the scopes you have listed. But have heard several good reports of the SW127.

Hope something in there is of some use.

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If portability is important then the biggest mount you can afford is likely to be the wrong mount. I can pick up my 4SE and with one hand and walk outside. It's alt-az so no fiddly alignment, the scope doesn't even need to be particularly level. It is great for moon pics... All EQ mounts are much more bulky than the Alt-Az equivalents.

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