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Thanks Guys from Chris Payne

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Thanks to all who replied to my request for help on focusing my Dob. Couple of hous changing extensions and there was light! well focused light anyway.

Managed to get some crisp images but boy do thoes move out of the eyepiece quick! need some practice yet with the motors to get some reasonable tracking to get some pictures.

At the moment I have 10mm and 25mm eyepieces, have to confess I was a little disapointed with the image size, I was looking at Mars, reading throug many of the posted threads it would indicate I may need a 32mm eyepiece and possibly a Barlow intmediate lense to helps.

I will start to scour the internet for something suitable.

Thanks again for you help and advice, clare sky to you all


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Glad you got it sorted out Chris. With magnification, the smaller the number on the eyepiece the larger the magnification you get (you can work out the magnification of any eyepiece by dividing the focal length of the scope by the focal length of the eyepiece). But beware of too much magnification, you'll see more detail with a smaller sharper imager than a larger fuzzy one. Dark adaptation of your eyes makes a big difference, as does looking for a while. And you can actually pick up more detail by placing the object at the one side of the eyepiece and letting it drift through the field of view, as your brain is very good at picking up changes due to movement.


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Thanks for that Helen

I will give it a try, I was thinking the otherway round!!!!! Novices eh!

Ordered a Barlow multipler, just a cheapie to see if it's worth spending serious money on a quality piece, prices vairy enormously.

Next will be a "T" piece to see if I can get my camera mounted, do you have any experience of photography? I have seen what appear to be 2 types of camera mount, one which appears to attach to an eyepiece and uses the camera lense and ones which attach just the camera body direct?

Any ideas?

Thanks Chis

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Hi Knobby

Things are getting better, thanks to the advice I have managed to get focus properly! Purchased a cheapish BarlowX3 which is making things clearer, I do only have a limited foeld of view from my garden, due south, and light pollution is quite bad, but I'm keeping at it. Might try some photography which will help me get some enlarged images on the computer.

I will be using a nikon Digital SLR. I see you use a Nikon too, how is your camera mounted?

I've seen a variety of mounts for Nikon, some just mount camera body, some with screw fitting which enables the camera to attach with lense, I've even seen one which looks like it attaches to the eyepeice!

Which mount do you use?

Thanks for the response.


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I used a skywatcher 2 x deluxe barlow ( i think ... check its threaded b4 buying one) with a nikon t-ring adaptor screwed to the threaded part of the barlow.

T-ring then attatches to camera as a lens would.

Hope this helps

took this with it


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