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Polar alignment, CG4 and some more

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OTA? Well, I looked it up and it seems that it is the tube assembly or in lay terms the "scope". Or is it? Anyway.

How can I attach my DSLR to the CG4 mount?

I received my CG4 2 days ago and left it there, with the scope (small) on top (?) because... The polar alignment procedure is totally convoluted and unclear just because the seller does not define the parts clearly. Some are defined, some aren't.

It seems I can kind of polar align by using the declination knot setup to my location (28), point the instrument due north and select 90 degrees on "the other dial". I may not be correct in this interpretation, I am a first timer on everything here except cameras. There are other methods there. Which is best? what works and doesn't work?

Next, I have to say. For my use, the CG4 seems like an overly heavy mount which I don't think I can carry outside everytime(?) i want to use it. I may not even be able to see Polaris form my patio, hidden by houses too close to the mount.

Yes, and I bought the GoTo drive, which I have not unboxed until I decide I can polar align well.

Then, there is a seemingly complex dial that is never talked about in the process of assembling, polar align or anywhere on the manual. What is that for?

As you see many questions -- still many left undefined until I get to the motor drives.

Thid CG4 seems to wobble in the junction of the tripod and mount or head. I have only placed the smaller weight since I don't think I need the bigger one.

I will take this one step at a time, nor really rushing because nevertheless seeing is not that good now.

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