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Mystery Eyepiece Identification, any simple method?

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About 15 years ago (whenever the ETX-90 first appeared on the market) I bought some used eyepieces at a club meet.

I was told what they were at the time but after not documenting this (doh!) and 14 more years I have no idea what they are.

Here is a photo of all my eyepieces.

The eyepieces in the top rows and left are a complete mystery to me. Others, I know the make and mm but not type. (see writing on the paper)

I do know that at least 1 or 2 of these were made by a guy using surplus WWII bomber sights.



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A quiz,

Let see

1st row from left

1.,2.,3., Pass

4. Meade illuminated reticule like this one Meade 12mm Illuminated Reticle Eyepiece (Corded)

It's for manual guiding, but also useful as a GOTO centring eyepiece

5. 7mm Meade research grade Ortho

Astronomy & Living by Hernando: The Champ: Meade RGO (Research Grade Ortho) 7mm

Second row from left

1. 28mm Kellner, made unknown, probably not chinese as chinese doesn't make quality Kellner.

2.,3. As listed on the sheet

4. Meade Research grade Erfle

Astromart Classifieds - Eyepieces - Meade Research Grade 4mm Ortho & 20mm Erfle

How many did I get right?

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The 28mm Kellner in your pic, had something about it, that got me thinking.

The body looks very, very similar to the Edmund Optics 28mm RKE that I used to own.......


I'd guess your 28mm is an Edmund, but without the branding?

Mine was quite an old one.


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