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2 asteroids?


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Spotted 2 fast moving targets this evening, the first with the naked eye, 20:54pm was to the left/top of Ursa Major 80 degrees up heading about 11 o'clock direction away. It got very bright, brighter than mars for about 2 seconds in our suns reflection and I watched it get smaller and fainter. This thing was pretty damn big and moving like a missile from what I could see.

The second, 21:03pm with my Scope and 32mm Vixen, 30 degrees up heading in the 3 o'clock direction just left of Orion. I managed to follow it with my scope for a good 10 seconds and gave up when the Orion Nebula appeared in my field of view :) It was pretty far away and I checked to see if I could get a naked eye ball on it, but I couldn't.

Scary whats out there lurking! :)

[EDIT] Sorry wrong forum eek!

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I can't imagine that any asteroid could be seen with the naked eye. The first sighting sounds just like an Iridium flare from one of the Iridium satellites. As stated earlier asteroids move very, very slowly relative to background stars so I'm sure that both of these would have been satellites. You can check out times and directions of Iridium flares on... www.heavens-above.com

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