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Skyliner Finder Scope Advice

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Hi All. I'm thinking of getting a Skyliner 200p and would like some advise on finder scopes. I definitely want a right angled one to save my neck (as I've heard many gripes about this) but I am unsure about the magnifications and what is going to be useful to me as a newbee. I have seen that skywatcher do a 6 x 30 and also a 9 x 50 but which one is going to be the most helpful? Also they have the options of giving the correct orientation but not sure if this is really needed? Any thoughts welcome. Thanks

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With all my scopes I've always used the supplied straight-through finder. Sometimes that has meant getting into a slightly awkward viewing position but I've never found it a problem.

9x50 is better than 6x30. the bigger aperture will show more stars and make things easier to find, especially at a light polluted site.

Personally I would find an upright view a disadvantage, I prefer it to be inverted to match the view through the main scope. Otherwise I'd have to keep turning my map around, every time I look through one or the other.

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the 9X50 finder is more advantageous than a 6X30 having more light gathering power, they do come in correct image or inverted so you can match your scope if you want, some like the correct image as it is the same as the star maps they are working from. The choice is yours as they say :)

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