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My third time out scoping last night... :)

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So my first night out with my non aligned scope I saw lovely Venus... I was unbelievably wowed... my second night out had a tutorial via youtube over & over again I to try & align my scope but failed as it was loose & probably twisted the wrong way around & didn't have much patience in the cold but again I saw beautiful Venus... & last night still non aligned but saw beautiful Venus again... I found the mount easier to ajust to what I was looking for using the red dot finder... saw Venus & lock mount to that position... tonight going out 'hopefully' to view Jupiter if sky allows... I find as a complete beginner it's hard... I always thought you just look in your scope & thats it... silly me eh! :) But looking at Venus in my scope which is a beginners Skywatcher Capricorn Venus looked like it had craters or bubbles on it... is this because my scope is just a beginners scope & not fantastic visually? Other than that Venus looks spectacular... :)

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If you saw craters on Venus, you are the first person to see through a gap in the clouds. :)

Venus has 100% cloud cover and so should appear white. A little dissappointing really, the only detail is the phases that Venus can be seen in (crescent, gibbous etc.).

Jupiter is much more rewarding. I'm not sure on the spec of a Skywatcher Capricorn but just about any scope will show you the four brightest moons (Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto). You may also be able to see cloud bands too.

Saturn rises much later at the moment but is also a joy to view. Mars is not bad but a little more difficult to spot any detail.

It is worth getting a book like "Turn Left At Orion", highly recommended here. That will identify deep space objects you can see (clusters, nebulae, galaxies etc). These won't be as impressive as the glossy photos you see in books and on t'internet but some like the Pleiades and the Orion nebula are good to look at.

Happy hunting!

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If you saw craters on Venus, you are the first person to see through a gap in the clouds. :)

Venus has 100% cloud cover and so should appear white. A little dissappointing really, the only detail is the phases that Venus can be seen in (crescent, gibbous etc.).

Jupiter is much more rewarding. I'm not sure on the spec of a Skywatcher Capricorn but just about any scope will show you the four brightest moons (Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto). You may also be able to see cloud bands too.

Saturn rises much later at the moment but is also a joy to view. Mars is not bad but a little more difficult to spot any detail.

It is worth getting a book like "Turn Left At Orion", highly recommended here. That will identify deep space objects you can see (clusters, nebulae, galaxies etc). These won't be as impressive as the glossy photos you see in books and on t'internet but some like the Pleiades and the Orion nebula are good to look at.

Happy hunting!

Thanks for your info... hahaha have no idea what was on Venus... prob is my eyes or lens probs!!! :)

Really need to get this book needing all the help I can gather... my scope is just enough to drop me into seeing planets & the moon... when I have more understanding of our sky will invest in a MUCH better scope... will be something to look forward to... :icon_salut:

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Those first few months of beginer / new equipment is tough, but so very rewarding, when it works !!

Agree the Pleiades are just lovely to view, while you're waiting for Saturn.

Enjoy !!

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Those first few months of beginer / new equipment is tough, but so very rewarding, when it works !!

Agree the Pleiades are just lovely to view, while you're waiting for Saturn.

Enjoy !!

Thanks Scarlet... I will probably miss these first unknowledged area's when I know what im doing... im now creating memories for my future sure i'll look back & laugh one day... :)

Really looking forward to viewing Saturn... going to make a BIG fuss here when I do... :)

Hope your having a non dizzy day... I was till I whacked my head on my telescope this morning so a headache & a bit dizzy now!!!

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Oh yes, you'll soon be sorted.

Looking forward to that Saturn WOW thread - she does that every time !

Work was a bit iffy, much better now home. Hope you're having a good one too x That does hurt, if you bump into the scope, or kick the legs :)

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If you're seeing Venus then it should be easy to find and look at Jupiter too as they are next to each other at the minute. You should have no problem seeing the cloud bands. 4 moons and even the great red spot.

Enjoy learning how to use your scope.


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