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First RGB.


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You would never have got away with anyway Trevor. :D

It's a good piece of work, but we see only the finished article. Some more information might help someone else, like me, who needs educating in all aspects of image processing.

Ron. :lol:

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Hi Ron.

You can download the Data from here:


Thanks’ to Mike Salway for the Data.

Open each channel in Photoshop.

Select the one with the red channel and duplicate it (to preserve your files) Call this Master. For the Master, go to the channels palette. Now all channels are the same so you need to replace the Green and Blue channel.

Open the Green image, and go to the channels palette - click on the green channel (they are all the same) CTRL A to select the image, CTRL C to copy it.

Now select the Master image, click on the green channel and then CTRL V to paste the green channel

Repeat with the blue image - but using the blue channel

On the master image, click RGB in the channels palette and you should have a coloured image made up of the three

Somebody might know a easier way.


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Great find Trevor and good stuff from the Iceinspace site - Australian astro forum. Hope they don't mind us playing with their files. I'm sure Yfronto wont mind them playing with his Bubble files.

There is an easier way to do the combine the files - just open all 3 in PS, open the channels palette, open the drop down list on the right and choose merge channels, select RGB and make sure the right colours are in the right box. Say no when it asks you if you want to save each image. Hey presto job done.

Here's my effort


The guy on iceinspace asked that if people posted an image they should describe what they did - here goes.

I combined the image and then used wavelets in registax - used all 6 but gently! Returned to photoshop and did a sharpen using the following high pass technique

Duplicate the background layer. Select blend mode as "overlay" choose filter/other /high pass. Set the radius to around 6.

That sharped the centre nicely but left the edges grainy so I then applied a layer mask to the duplicate layer - Layers/layer mask/reveal all. Then to hide the high pass effect over the grainy part of the image make sure the foreground colour in the tools panel is white. Select the brush tool - choose a slightly fuzzy brush and an opacity of about 60% Now brush over the grainy outer areas of the image to blur a little.

I then adjusted the colour balance - just adjusted the highlights - boosted red and blue and reduced the green.

I think the thing with this processing lark is knowing when to stop. You can go on pulling stuff out but eventually the overall image starts to suffer. I'm sure with a bit more tweaking the contrast could be improved a little but enough now!

Just shows that with Jupiter Aus is the place to be right now!

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Hi Martin

Well I tried combining the RGB as you said, but the merge channels is not active? To make it active I have to hit the split channels button just above.

I must be doing something wrong if I had hair I could pull it out :scratch:


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