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The Rotton so & so, in the time I posted the last reply, and getting the cup of coffee made, guess what

:wink::cool::lol::p:evil: covering :jupiter:, and they stretch over the horizon and moving over :jupiter:.

I really am of to bed, so there :clouds2:

naz :clouds1: :x :x :x

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I'm in London...

What are those tiny bright things in the sky?! :shock:

Aircraft on approach to Heathrow?

I'm right aren't I? Go on admit it! You were trying to fool us into believing you could see stars.


Yep, that's what it was. I just thought Venus was sinking very (very) quickly. :wink:

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I can't be certain, but I certainly spotted 3 very bright stars, one in the South-west, the other two in the South-East - perhaps they were Arcturus, Vega and Altair? It got cloudy before I got my binocluars out so I can't be sure. Maybe tomorrow evening will be a better night for viewing.

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I'm hoping the clouds will stay away so I can have a crack at Mars at about 3:30 ish.


good luck!! there are shed loads of bright objects adorning the sky tonite Yippee! wots that the 1st in over a month? i've had to call a nite mind, i'm sha**ed! .God I'm such a NEWBE, i had trouble just polar aligning. BUT it was nice to get out and have a go,But don't let on to the cloud gods, we might have a similar night t'row and I'll be better prepared.

Okay where's me beer?


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I've just a t'riffic hour and a half of observing :cool: (I don't mean to rub it in to those still under :wink:..). Saw some old favourites and new objects I've never seen before. Drink my tea and off to bed happy....First time in what seems like ages!


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I was fortunate and privilaged enough to have a view of Jupiter last night through a 4.5 inch/F14 T. Cooke & Sons refractor (circa 1890-1910). :wink: Although 100+ years do make their presence known, the optics offered an excellent view with about as much detail as you would expect, given how low the planet is.

Viewing through this enormous telescope with my eye pressed up to the original eyepieces (with virtually no eye relief), really made me feel a sense of history.

A real pleasure.

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