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Solar system spree .... 5/6 February 2012


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Just a quick report of a great night observing solar system objects. I was using my ED120 refractor although I needed my smaller ED102 to get upstairs and get Mercury in the eyepiece. My targets for this session included:

Mercury: @ 190x the 50% phase was visible clearly.

Venus: Again at around 50% phase, possibly some vague marking on the bright cloudtops but very indistinct.

Jupiter: 4 moons and 4 cloud belts. The SEB seems much darker and broader than the NEB at the moment. A couple of barges spotted on the N edge of the NEB.

The Moon: So much detail along the terminator. 5 Plato craterlets picked out. Schroter's Valley (rille) was showing beautifully as was the nearby crater Aristarchus.

Mars: At closest Earth approach this opposition. N pole cap plus darker area S of it seen. Syrtis Major was showing at the E edge of the planets disk and the darker area to the SW of this which I think could have been Mare Sirenum.

Saturn: 4 moons, planetary disk shadow on the rings, the major N equatorial belt, and the Cassini Division were seen with the clarity improving as the planet rose above the rooftops. Icing on the cake was adding a 5th Saturnian moon, Iapetus, to the tally at the end of the session :)

Add a number of nice double stars to the above and it's been a wonderful nights viewing. My best for some months and a real tonic to the system.

Roll on the SGL7 star party :)

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Hi John,

I see you had a very enjoyable night. :icon_scratch: It was not bad here too, had a nice view of Mecury myself earlier in the evening at our astro group meeting, it was showing a clear phase through a Tal 100RS brought along for the night :) We also took advantage to see the other planets on view although Saturn had not risen by the time we packed up.

Mike, we need to arrange something between our groups and get together soon. :)

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Hi John, there is always more and never enough clear nights to fit it all in.

Hi Alan, just been watching the time lapse of your observing session this evening. The sky looked clearer there than it was here and yes we must have a get together.


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