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Everyday photos number 2


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Hi All,

Had a very quick play with the Camera under Gale force freezing wind's on the Prom at Blackpool this morning lol. Taken with the new camera in full Auto mode(too cold to mess about), very impressed with the Lack of noise and Fov also the speed of the Camera's auto focus Super Fast(Amazing).

The images didnt require much processing only cropping in photoshop! :shock:.

So far amazed at the Camera!


This One look's like a image of Mars from Mars Express :clouds1:




That's all from this morning plenty of pics to come soon :clouds1:

James :clouds1:

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Illuminations are still on matey, sometimes in summer i get down there if it's not too windy mind funny get a few people coming up asking what i am doing etc etc mostly there fine and will take a peek but you do get Morons which get told to go away :clouds1:.

James :clouds1:

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