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Sony Alpha question


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Looks like I am erring to the way you do thinks Gina. Currently looking at a boatload of Eos bodies on Flea bay . Looking at the 400d 450d and 500d. Are there any major differences to those and yours Gina

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I have a shutter release cable. That's not what I am after. Basically most of the retail and even free programs do not support Sony cameras directly. With that in my mind I am after a camera that is supported, or at least Ascom supported.

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The 1100D is more suited to AP with computer control and is easier to modify than the early models. The 1100D allows all functions to be controlled by one USB cable. Many earlier models need shutter control separately with a USB to serial converter. The noise level is better than all other models than the 600D and 450D. The 1100D has a reduced spec to reduce the price but the features lost are of no use for AP and these features cause extra heating (and hence noise) so for AP you are better off without them. I did quite a lot of research before I bought my 1100D body, to find the most suitable camera for AP use only. I have a Sony A200 which is great for ordinary photography but not for AP.

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Ok so basically the choices are, 600D, 450D or the 100D? I am definitely going with Canon, and the Sony will be kept or upgraded to a higher model, as I really love the Sony and i'm loathe to stop using it.

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I love my Sony A200 - it's definitely better for general photography than my Canon IMO. But it's all a matter of personal preference for hand held use - where the controls are and the general handling etc.

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My Alpha 100 has served me well. I bought it when it was first releases and hit me for £700 at the time. I'm now looking at the 900 but realise Sonys are not AP friendly hence me looking at Canons. I think I am erring towards the 450, purely for cost reasons as I think a couple of hundred pounds is more than enough for a camera that will get limited use. I'm pretty certain I will get more than adequate results with that

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