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Atik Dawn - 16-bit export?


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Having purchased my first CCD camera, I grabbed 5 x 60s LRGB subs to make a start.

I've worked out how to align and combine the channels in the supplied Dawn software, but can't figure out how to either bring in the L channel, or export the combined RGB in 16-bit format for Photoshop - Photoshop sees the FITs file as grayscale. Tiff export seems to be 8-bit.

Am I missing something?

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Here's the link

Atik Cameras Forum - Index

But you won't find much help with Dawn... I've given up trying to use it, there's no manual and waiting for an email response is frustrating.. Artemis capture is brilliant but Dawn processing seems ''unfinished'' and confusing.Shame it doesn't work with some of the older artemis cameras like the HR16 OSC :)

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No, but their are videos on how to use it, on the Atik website...

I liked you more when you was called Deneb :)

I know but they're not really comprehensive and I still havnt got an email reply from Jonathan @ ATIK ... :D

I'll get my head down and try and learn a proper 'tweakable' imaging package like AA or Nebulosity.:headbang:

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