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my latest m42, getting better i think


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taken last night.


canon 1100d

30 x 60 sec subs at iso 1600 and same in darks.

processed in ps.

this was not processed by me by the way,shall have to sort out a copy of ps i think. thankyou keith if you reading this.


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Thats a nice image with a lot of detail for some relatively short subs.

Nice processing too.

i also have a set of 30 x 20 sec subs at iso 800 to be processed and mixed/layered whatever you call it with this yet.

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that's a great improvement from your first attempt, very good processing improvement! :D

the outer core seems to have been washed away a bit, most likely due to slight incorrect use of curves in PS. It is recommended to take a separate exposure for the core anyway, but to begin with, it's critical to learn to use the curves and levels ts good as possible.

It's a tricky target as it's so bright in the core, yet so faint in the outer parts, but it's a very good target to practice on. Not to mention a really stunning and beautiful target :)

the learning curve at this point is very steep as you must have noticed, so just hang on and your pics will improve slightly every time you open them to correct more and more details! :p

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that's a great improvement from your first attempt, very good processing improvement! :D

the outer core seems to have been washed away a bit, most likely due to slight incorrect use of curves in PS. It is recommended to take a separate exposure for the core anyway, but to begin with, it's critical to learn to use the curves and levels ts good as possible.

It's a tricky target as it's so bright in the core, yet so faint in the outer parts, but it's a very good target to practice on. Not to mention a really stunning and beautiful target :)

the learning curve at this point is very steep as you must have noticed, so just hang on and your pics will improve slightly every time you open them to correct more and more details! :p

hi jannis:icon_salut:,

i have a set of 30 x 20sec subs at iso 800 to stack yet so hopefully that should bring out the detail in the core then maybe layer/mix the two.

and yes its a stunning target, and what i didnt realize until processing was that the running man was there.:(

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