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DSLR and scope problem

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hi everyone

i seem to be having trouble connecting my dslr up to my Celestron Nexstar 60LCMand getting any pictures. i was advised to get the following adapters....

T ring - Canon EOS T Ring

T adapter - Celestron Universal T Adaptor Barlow 1.25"

could anyone advise as to why i can't see anything and if i have the correct parts

regards, Tom

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quick update, tried unscrewing the barlow and using with the diagonal, but still nothing....

is it right that my apature should read F0.0? might be a silly question but i thought i'd ask.

also do i need any thing between the camera and t ring??

thanks, Tom.

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Yep, that is the normal reading when there is no camera lens in the contacts of the dslr, the camera can't read the telescope.

Sorry I can't help beyond that but I don't have the same set up but I'm sure someone will point you in the right direction.

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Are you in focus? The focus point for the camera is different than the focus point for any given eyepiece. Start with something bright like the moon and see if you can bring that to focus.

Also, what are you trying to photograph and what camera settings are you using?

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Hi Ags you were bang on the money there. my focus was way off.

also i cant get an image with the diagonal... but works fine with no barlow and no diagonal.

will an extention tube allow me to zoom in a bit more? (sorry noob question) because the scopes not a great deal better than my 70-300 lens...


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Don't know if this helps, but the order that you put the barlow and extension tube/diagonal does matter. At least it does with my Televue Powermate. For instance if my imaging train goes scope+Powermate+extension tube+flattener+DSLR, I can't get focus. But if I go scope+extension tube+Powermate+flattener+DSLR I can get focus.

A Powermate isn't quite like a barlow (from what I have read), but you might have the same situation, if so might want to try swopping the barlow and extension tube around.

Just a thought.

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Tom, I should just add that if you are planning to image DSOs, zooming in is generally not a preferred thing to do. A 2x barlow, for example, means you are doubling the focal ratio, which I believe quadruples the amount of exposure time required.

The scope is already slow at F11.7; you might be able to use it for planetary and lunar imaging, though, but for this I'd really recommend a webcam rather than a DSLR. You may already know this, in which case I apologise!

The extension tube will only increase magnification if placed between the barlow and the camera.

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