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Skymax 127 Chromatic Aberration?

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I was out last night with my 127 Mak looking at Venus and Mars but getting unusual effects. What I'm seeing is large blocks of colour (blue at the top, red at the bottom) on the image. It's more pronounced with Venus, but is still there with Mars. I'm not aware of it with Jupiter, or the moon, or anything else. Is this Chromatic Aberration? From what I've read of CA you get more of a fringe round the object rather than blocks of colour. If it helps I was using a 10mm Hyperion for a magnification of x150 with a standard SW diagonal.

Can anyone shed any light on this?



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I think I agree with Macavity. Think of it as CA due to the atmosphere, if you will :)

The effects are more pronounced the lower the target is in the sky because there's more atmosphere for the light to travel through and I wonder if it isn't particularly evident with Venus because it's so bright.


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