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Really bad day at Astrofest


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Looking for some sympathy and a shoulder to cry on.

Have you ever had one of those days nothing goes right for you. Well today was mine.

Underground clogged at Earls Court so stuck there for nearly 40 minutes. Getting to Astrofest nigh on midday.

I buy a SWA 38mm 2" ep from Astronomia. Hand over £99 and get my receipt get home find no lens in my bag. Hopefully I just forgot to take it from them and they'll have it tomorrow waiting for me

Bought an Ikharus 80 ED from Ianking £275. Got home opened box and heard something rattling inside the tube. Noticed a hole in the crayford and suspected a grub screw inside. Removed crayford, lo and behold one rogue grubscrew. Problem was there's marks on inner lens so now need to return said scope.

Had a list of about 6 other items and managed to source only one of them. Not much there i'm afaid and certainly not many bargains to be had

Hopefully I'll get my scope exchanged and receive my lens tomorrow and make me feel a little better..

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Sounds like a dissapointing day!

All I can say is if you get stuck at Earl's Court again - get off there - it's less than a mile to Kensngton from there.

Hope you have good luck sorting out your returns.


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Well I know my way around London pretty well but was with my brother in law and he didn't want to walk otherwise I would have done just as you say. Trains were a bit screwed so I jumped off at Ealing Broadway and took the district line.

In hindsight, and working for First Great Western, I should have known better than to change my travel plans. I should've stayed on and took the usual route via Paddington and circle line

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