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2 eyepieces or a Hyperion


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I am looking at two eyepieces to add to my collection - a 2inch one and something like an 8mm BST Explorer. However, the explorer is £41, and the cheapest 2 inch - say Revelation or Orion - will be £40 - £50.

Do you think I am better off saving for a Hyperion - say 8 or 10mm and the two different rings you can buy - allowing me 3 or 4 different focal lengths, and a 2inch eyepiece?

Also, how good is the Baader zoom eyepiece? Is it worth saving up for over say a couple of hyperions?

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I have the Baader zoom and think its a great bit of kit, its sharp up to the edge of fov (though I'm noe expert) and keeps it focus when changing mag, you don't have to keep to the published fl's either, you can stop between clickstops and use that particuler unkown mag if it suits. By far the biggest advantage is the massive saving in phaffing about!!!... I didn't realise how much time I spent wasting stumbling about for different ep's and then knocking the scope out of alignement swapping them, the only other ep I use really is a 32mm

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