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My first go of "EQMOD"

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After my post yesterday asking if it's worth using EQMOD i now relise what a stupid question that was :cussing:.......ITS GREAT!!!:clouds1:

Had a quick play today (well about 2hrs worth set up in the room).

The first problem i had was getting the correct comms port, but thats an easy fix so soon got over that, and once that was done i was using the N,E,S,W keys to move the scope about, so far so good...and looking good.

Next i was just getting use to the EQMOD interface and all its buttons, not to bad, soon set my location, changed slew speeds, park buttons etc, and was shocked when i asked it to park scope in home postion, it was spot on to the marks i have put on the mount...most impressed.

I then remebered i had a old pc wired game pad, so thought i'l try that, as soon as the drivers were installed it worked straight away!, and i was moving the scope about with the d-pad and sticks, also set some buttons for park etc, wireless will soon be bought.

The only problem i have and still can not fix is getting it to work with Stellarium, tried alsorts, worked once but never again, Stellarium can see it but thats it, just can't get it to move.

So thought i'l use what most of you do CDC, as soon as it was installed it worked straight away, move the scope to where i want it to go, the alignment looks pretty easy to, but will have to wait for a clear night to check that out.

I must say CDC looks very confussing but will soon master that.

This EQMOD is very very good and so glad i done it and would highly recomend to anyone.....AND ITS FREE!!.

So my next purchase will be..

EQDIR adapter

Wireless controller

Wireless adapter

Thanks to all who helped make my mind up :D

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Good to see you're up and running.

CdC does take a bit of getting used to - just take your time, it's worth the effort. I've been using CdC for a while now and still keep coming across useful stuff that I wasn't previously aware of.

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Yeah i agree, Stellarium is sooo simple to get on with, even the kids can find there way around with it, but like i said a right pig to use with eqmod.

Cdc looks at first very complicated but i'l soon get the hang of it.

Still loving the scope by the way....even more now

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