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i am trying to decide on a telescope but am pretty clueless as to what i need. i'd like to take images of planets, moon but would also like to view dso. i only have a budget of £300, is there anything suitable or am i dreaming. thanx

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When viewing DSOs aperture trumps almost everything else. So on that basis I'd suggest the biggest aperture scope you can afford, which would be an 8" dob First Light Optics - Skywatcher Skyliner 200P Dobsonian. This scope gives you most bang for your buck optics wise, combined with an inexpensive (relatively speaking of course) mount.

This scope wouldn't be suitable for long exposure photographs necessary for taking images of DSOs, but for lunar or planetary imaging a webcam or high frame-rate camera is the best tool anyway, and I believe you could probably get away with one of those on this scope.

You would need a collimation tool as well.

Edit: Must type quicker lol! :icon_salut:

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Hi Auspom

The largest scope will give the best views, but a go to will find thousands of things easily that you would take ages to find. Without a go to the learning curve is much slower but you will end up a master of the sky. With my goto I learnt the sky quicker then bought a bigger scope for a better view. Buy a decent star atlas and study it .

Regards Steve

ps all roads lead two a bigger scope.

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