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North or South?

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It's worth remembering that the mirror of a Dob is at the bottom of the tube not at eye level. You need to crouch down to get an idea of how low in the sky you will be able to see. This often catches me out with the planets. I can see Venus shining brightly but the Dob is too low to the ground to see over the fence.

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It's worth remembering that the mirror of a Dob is at the bottom of the tube not at eye level. You need to crouch down to get an idea of how low in the sky you will be able to see. This often catches me out with the planets. I can see Venus shining brightly but the Dob is too low to the ground to see over the fence.

True and good point. Fortunately a lot of the things I was just looking at were almost directly overhead so should be no problem. I won't get to see planets like Venus from my back garden though as you say. I may be able to see Jupiter but definitely not Venus.

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I have an obsy in my North facing garden, I look over the house to the South and apart from very low in the sky objects, I see most of them very well on my 200DPS!

Good to know thanks. My garden is not particularly long so I may not be quite as lucky but it looks like I'll at least get to see something. Cheers.

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Depending on how big your garden is, can't you just wander down the end and look back towards your house for a more southerly view? I know this isn't ideal from a thermal point of view, but realistically you probably don't want to be looking at anything below 30 degrees anyhow. Just a thought....

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Depending on how big your garden is, can't you just wander down the end and look back towards your house for a more southerly view? I know this isn't ideal from a thermal point of view, but realistically you probably don't want to be looking at anything below 30 degrees anyhow. Just a thought....

Yeah. The garden isn't particularly long though so a fair few things to the south are obscured. Last night Jupiter was just over the roof, Venus was nowhere to be seen and much of Orion was obscured by the neighbours house. That said, there is a view over the garage so that is a sort of option.

EDIT: I just had a look again. Orion's belt is just a few degrees above the roof from the end of the garden so I cannot see Rigel for example without going to the front of the house unless it happens to be just above the garage.

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Mine neither - I've got about 10ft between house and fence, but a fair view over houses beyond it looking east. Looking west is obscured by the house lower than 60 degrees, north is obscure by trees, and south blotted out by lights from a nearby roundabout with petrol station, etc below 45 degrees or worse. But I try and try to make the best of my compromised sky!

The next step is a dark site...

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I'm not alone then. I guess if 30 degrees and above is an OK view then I've got nearly that. I just looked at Stellarium with azimuthal gridline overlaid with the constellations and I'd estimate that I can see something like 32-35 degrees and above over the house so maybe that's not so bad.

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My obsy is only 25' North of the house, I use Stellarium to plan my viewing with that in mind. I cannot see Rigel either but M42 is fine! Clear East and West and a high hedge to the North! So as Dunkster said, make the most of what you can see and find yourself a local dark sky area!

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Not alone at all! Worse still, my easterly view is the orange sprawl coming out from west London, planes and all :)

There's a lot to see above the celestial equator - half of the whole sky - and it all rotates around once every year :D

Also, the upside of looking at things above 30 degrees I you won't need to crouch down to the eyepiece too much if you get a dob. My little Mak/SCT are the right height to lean into from a garden chair.

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I've got exactly the same problem, North facing back garden with a few street lamps for added sky pollution, might climb up and unscrew a few lamps :) and I wouldn't feel comfortable setting up a 200p in the front garden. (Not that I would be bothered getting called a strange bloke by the neighbors :D)

On the plus side I have a friend who's interested in the sky so my main objective now is to persuade him to get a scope. As he's got the opposite facing house than me. Could be a great partnership here!


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Also, the upside of looking at things above 30 degrees I you won't need to crouch down to the eyepiece too much if you get a dob. My little Mak/SCT are the right height to lean into from a garden chair.

Now that is a plus point, I'm all in favour of comfort. :)

I've got exactly the same problem, North facing back garden with a few street lamps for added sky pollution, might climb up and unscrew a few lamps :D and I wouldn't feel comfortable setting up a 200p in the front garden. (Not that I would be bothered getting called a strange bloke by the neighbors :D)

On the plus side I have a friend who's interested in the sky so my main objective now is to persuade him to get a scope. As he's got the opposite facing house than me. Could be a great partnership here!


Maybe an air rifle would be a fun way to take the lamps out - fun and practical. :)

I like you're thinking re-persuading your friend to get a scope. I will have to have a think about what direction my various friend's gardens face and start working on the best ones. :)

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What are the chances of my local council turning off some of the lights?

I don't mind lamp posts and things of the sort if they are actually doing a job of lighting essential areas up, its just the ones like I have behind my house which are basically there for no reason what so ever.

It can't be much persuading, all I will have to do is show him a few picture's off the forum and tell him to register on here :)

I think in the summer I will try and get out camping and make a full night of it, maybe get up on the moors somewhere where it will be alot better than in the back garden.


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What are the chances of my local council turning off some of the lights?


Well...you never know until you ask... :) I guess though they will have some pre-conceived safety notions and will just assume that more lights = better regardless of where they are so some persuasion may be required.

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