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Another M42 - Would you believe it!


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This is my second attempt at M42, the last attempt was over a year ago. Just spent five months in Australia and felt a test run of to refresh my memory on setting up the scope and generally surviving the cold was needed.

I consider this shot a trial run for the next two nights which are meant to be clear. Tonight was periodically cloudy, hazy and very gusty and the usual severe light pollution played it's part as ever.

Shot details:

Location: Lincoln, Lincolnshire

Conditions: 6c, Gusty Winds, Cloud, Strong Light Pollution

Telescope: Meade LX90 8" SCT

Camera: Nikon D300 (Unmodified)

Shot Data: 20x120s Lights | 15x120s Darks @ ISO 3200

Post Work: Stacked in DSS (Current Beta) | Photoshop: Levels and Colour Tweaked.


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No barlow used and the D300 goes from ISO 200-3200 and extends from ISO 100-6400. Hopefully tonight I am going to take more data at shorter lengths to keep the core detail, though not sure if I should blend in photoshop as a post process or apply the 30s shots into the stack of 120s shots within DSS.

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No barlow used and the D300 goes from ISO 200-3200 and extends from ISO 100-6400. Hopefully tonight I am going to take more data at shorter lengths to keep the core detail, though not sure if I should blend in photoshop as a post process or apply the 30s shots into the stack of 120s shots within DSS.

Definately do the blending in ps with the seperate stacks. If you stack the shorter exposures with the longer ones I think you will adversely affect your deeper data.

This method worked a treat for me

Compositing 2 Different Exposures via Layer Masks

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