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This is what I had this is whats comming!

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About 1 year ago I bought a pair of cool binoculars off ebay for around £12 including postage from Hong Kong they arrived and we compared them to some £90 ones which a friend bought around the same magnification and there wasn't much difference.

Being green and a complete utter newb I bought this from ebay FarVision 360 Telescope DUAL Astro telescope complete with tripod for an amazing £9.99 (about the price of a BigMac Meal supersized up & 2 kids meals. I am watching my weight so I opted for the scope:)


However it wasn't that good but I could see most of the planets including the rings of Saturn (resembled a cotton wool ball). Now I have got to know a few stars and planets I have decided to take the plunge and ordered today a Celestron 8 SE XLT with power pack (17amp) and the accessorie Eypiece set.. Eyeopener Accessory Kit by Celestron


I should get delivery tomorrow sometime and will be waiting in all day. I have also a verson of starry night software registered but the ascom program that connects and syncs the telecope through the serial port does not install on windows vista. Is there another program or a workaround?

Basically I am like a child with Xmas comming tomorrow. I have saved for a long time to be able to afford this setup and hope I have made the right decisions. I wanted something portable not too heavy and would like to observe planets and deeep space. I am not interested in Photography.

Any tips would be appreciated and I have downloaded the .pdf operators manual off the Celestron main page so when things do go pear shaped tomorrow at least I can say I have read the manual:)

Thanks for your tips and guides in advance and I hope this setup will keep me interested for years to come and the Mrs. Happy:)

Kindest regards David

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I have the same Telescope which I bought just over a year ago and I must say that I am delighted with it. I use it a lot now for astro imaging and if you search the Forum you will see some of my images, and I'm not good at it as others are on the Forum. I learned my my mistakes about the various bits and pieces that will add to the scopes flexibility and if you have any queries please feel free to e.mail me.


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It is usually wise to seek advice before you commit to spending money. Your binos seemed to work out well for you, the second purchase not so good. You have now spent a fair sum on a setup of which I hope you did some homework on before you jumped in.

However, I think you can rest easy, what you have bought this time around will keep you happy for many years I would hope.

As far as the Vista problem, I don't know much about it, I know various pieces of hardware are struggling with this OS, but I am sure that in time, all will be well, and new drivers will be forthcoming. What you could do, is install Widows XP as a second OS, so that you can boot your computer to either OS. This could be an interim measure until the driver problem is sorted. Are you sure there is a problem, or are you assuming there is going to be one.

Anyway, enjoy your new telescope, you will love it I am sure. Any help you need, you will get from a great bunch of guys on this forum.

Keep in touch,and let us know how things progress.

Good Luck.


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Hi again thanks for the info keep them comming...

Yes the £49,000 would have to go to the mrs. to keep her sweet if I had it. Was a fun post anyhow.

Hopefully you thought the same.

Just one thing I did say I am not really interested in astrophotography but I have a Nikon 7 megapixel digital camera with the telescopic type lens. Its a coolpix 7900 has all the features including exposure time and all the top functions which I yet have to learn. Would this work with my new scope? If so whats the best way to connect it adapter wise for best effects and detail? I know the tripod isn't that sturdy and suffers from a bit of jolting. But with some shock absorber pads I have seem pretty impressive results. Any suggestions and links to products I could buy maybe after the leanring curve has sunk in would be nice.

Thanks again for all your info. I will try and do a full write up after a few weeks. When I know a little what I am talking about:)

Kindest regards David

P.S. That 30 Inch would look nice in the shed:)

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I think your new scope will bring you years of observing enjoyment...And no doubt a load of questions..

I am not interested in Photography.


Just one thing I did say I am not really interested in astrophotography but I have a Nikon 7 megapixel digital camera with the telescopic type lens. Its a coolpix 7900 has all the features including exposure time and all the top functions which I yet have to learn. Would this work with my new scope? If so whats the best way to connect it adapter wise for best effects and detail?

So not interested in astrophotography then.... :):o

I would suggest that you get to know your Celestron intimately first before venturing into the frustrating and sometimes expensive world of astrophotography..

But just quickly...

Your Nikon will be fine for afocal shots of bright objects such as the moon and solar (With a suitable filter over the front lens of the scope.)

You can either hold the camera up to the eyepiece or you can purchase one of these..A bit fiddly but you can get excellent results..



Greg... :D

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