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Advice on my style of mount

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It has been some time since I have been on here but now I have decided to go for the Skywatcher Explorer 200P.

But I have a decision to make. I have seen this with the EQ5 mount as here for example. SkyWatcher Explorer-200P EQ-5 SynScan Newtonian Telescope

And also seen it with the EQ5 Pro mount as here for example. SKY-WATCHER EXPLORER-200P (EQ5 PRO SynScan) GOTO REFLECTOR

Are these 2 bundles both the same but the 2nd is with the addition of the Pro version of the mount giving me better tracking capablities? For £29 extra, this is a cracking deal or I have totally missed something:confused:

I may not get into deep space imaging but for a spend of an extra £29 now, I wont deny myself the opportunity.

If I have missed something and I want to start imaging later, would I be better with the 1st option and upgrading at a later date with suitable motors as per Dual-Axis D.C. Motor Drive for EQ-5 | Telescope Accessories | Rother Valley Optics

Thanks for looking!!:D

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That's the price difference from the Eq5 to the HEQ5 isn't it. While the original post has two mounts that are not HEQ5. Though one is advertised with "PRO" in the title, is still isn't a HEQ5.

heq5 = First Light Optics - Skywatcher Explorer 200P HEQ5 PRO

eq5 = http://www.firstlightoptics.com/reflectors/skywatcher-explorer-200p-eq5-goto.html

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Think you guys got it!!:D

So, while advise and opinion is objective, apart from looking 2nd hand, is the EQ5 upgraded with motors in the future going to give my kit the potential (not me;)) to take a good deep sky image?

Or is it a replace the mount mission once this transition is upon me?

thanks again!

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It depends on your definition of a good deep sky image. It has the potential to give you images you can show to friends and be rightly proud of. You will get an immense sense of achievement but you probably won't win any awards with one.

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It has the potential to give you images you can show to friends and be rightly proud of. You will get an immense sense of achievement but you probably won't win any awards with one.

I think that's what I mean by ojective and it is all relative. Looking over some of the images that can be taken, all from experienced images and on higher grade mounts, perhaps like the EQ6.

I know that as I get into this more, learn, understand and gain experience, I will learn to use what I have got to more of its potential and seek out better and more productive upgrades down the path of where I want to go.

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