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Skywatcher spare parts?

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I bought a second hand Sw Explorer 200 on eq5, it's in good condition and has been well maintained, however, there are a couple of little bits and bobs missing. Is there somewhere you can get spares from? I've had a good old search on Google, but not pulled anything up.

In particular I'm after:

Polar scope lens cap (eye end not the top)

Focuser locking screw

Eyepiece dust cap

Also, I've noticed the focuser isn't all that great, either that or I'm not skilled enough yet, I feel like I need to be able to turn it a lot less than is possible, would a different focuser help me more do you think or do I just need to learn to be a lot more precise? Other than that I'm perfectly happy so far, jsut want to sort these few niggles out.

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