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Firing up the ol' LX200 again. Hope it works!

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Heard some rumours that the electronic components in the LX200 classic (8") may not be working properly after not having used the telescope for the longest time?

My LX200 have not seen light for around 10 years now. It's really a sin, but I find it too bulky to haul back and forth... Have found a permanent site for it now though - at last!

Hope all will still be in tip top shape, or are there risk of any mishaps when it comes to the electronic components? Any special precautions?

Don't make me sad! :p

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Just make sure the handcontroller is connected BEFORE power up.

If you have any issues there's a great support group on Yahoo and then there's the MAPUG archives.....

My 12" Lx200 Classic is over 12 years old and still going strong......

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Hi. Yeah, I should have done the same - getting a spare handcontroller that is. After getting some inputs from the Yahoo-group I have decided to change the capacitors after all. A burnt capacitor seem to cause a whole lot of headache! Seems also like the fact that I haven't used it for the longest time might mean an increased risk of problems. Better safe than sorry i s'pose!

It's not that much of an effort to change them - and definately not much of an investment either. Major issue will be to get the right ones!

Have the specs 35V and 10uF, but taking only those two to the store raises further questions... there seem to be a huge variety of these little buggers!

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The ones I used were electrolytic 50V 10microfarad.


part # CA00182

I'm not great with a soldering iron, but the change over was pretty easy and straightforward.

Do the C1 and C2 in the handcontroller first - if these blow they take the whole handcontroller ribbon connector with them - can't be repaired!!

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