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Christmas Eve, by Jove!


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Essentially not a bad capture AA. :headbang:

It is not really over exposed by much! In fact it is a tiny amount :headbang:

It is hard to give good advice without knowing as much about the shot as possible, eg. equipment used, and full camera settings, length of avi, plus the processing routine number of frames stacked/frames total etc.

To me it seemed that the colour balance was a bit off (don't worry about this as you will become more skilled with experience) and the colour was slightly over saturated, but again not by much.

Your image contained a fair amount of detail and it was difficult to tell if any softness was the result of less than great seeing (very common), less than perfect focus (common), poor optical components and/or collimation, or some combination of the above. Once again don't worry too much about this in the early stages as practice will help with these problems (except for the seeing of course :D)

One final bit of criticism is that the image scale (I'm guessing) via resampling? is a bit large. This is something that most of us do at some period during our imaging career;):icon_eek:

I have posted a resampled smaller scale (33%) of the original. Hope you don't mind :)

Also if you could post a stack without any further processing (no wavelets etc) saved as a JPEG from Registax? That my help others to guide/diagnose with more certainty.

All that said:rolleyes: this image shows a lot of promise, with plenty of detalil, and is a great start :)


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Thanks for the feedback, there. I did blow the picture up a bit, as it helps highlight some of the flaws better, I feel. Seeing was not brilliant, and the image is a stack of 100/900ish processed in Registax and Gimp. I think I really drove both programs hard, in order to extract as much as possible - probably overdone it, tbh.

Scope is an old orange Celestron C8, with no barlow, so again magging it up as much as I did is bound to show up imperfections. As for colour, I am still trying to get to grips with curves etc, so it is great to get advice regarding colour, saturation etc.

There does seem to be a wee pink spot on the SEB, and also a billowing effect of the clouds at bottom left - not convinced those are purely artefact, so if these are genuine features I am fairly chuffed to see them.

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