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First Image Post. Solar Eclipse 2006


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Ok then totally bored at work so finally got round to reducing some images for posting. All a bit on the old side but I like them.

First is a composite of three or four images ( grey cells have abandoned the exact number ) out of several hundred taken during the total eclipse in 2006. We saved all our brass buttons for a trip to the Sahara Desert . This was our first Eclipse ( well 2nd if you must count Cornwall in 99 ) and by all accounts was the best for many years according to several veterans ( 20 plus eclipses ) 'the best they had ever seen'.

Anyway the composite is of long and short exposures to catch both the prominences and the corona. Have to confess I have no idea how the combining was done since our friend Steve did it for me.

Taken with Pentax *ist D with a 300mm lens( I think ).




Diamond Ring



More to come in Deep Sky ( M42, Andromeda and Comet McNaught )

I hope that you enjoy them all.


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Thanks Trevor,

I believe that you are correct. Our tour expert, John Mason, was predicting that the corona should be pretty good due to the activity level. But I think that even he was amazed at how good it was.

There are obviously many much better pictures that show the corona going out even further. Despite all the practice ( just on the mmon ) and planning, everything went to pot - Did final alignment of cameras a tad too early - so miised the second diamond ring, took too many shots on the wider angle camera and ran out of film, totally gobsmacked at first contact that I forgot to start timer so that I would know when to stop taking pictures so that the buffers woul be clear for the 2nd D.Ring.

In the end just stood back and enjoyed.

No 'live' comparison to 99 since we were clouded out. :police: Still a couple of pints of scrumpy afterwards went a short way to removing the gloom.

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