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Second foray into astrophotography - Orion widefield

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Another clear night, so I tried again with the experience from last night. The weather was a bit better for sure, with a lack of clouds moving through the area being imaged (mostly).

Orion, from club tip to knees - this is the field of view. I spent a bit more time framing this one, and I think it paid off.

600D again, with the 18-55 kit lens at 28mm focal length, stopped down to f7.1 and using ISO800. I took 14 subs of 120 sec each, 3 darks, processed quick and dirty, all within IRIS except for a conversion from .bmp to .jpg in paint.net.

I can really see the lack of Ha sensitivity in the camera. I've got the Flame nebula, a fairly good (if green) M42, the Running Man, hints of the Rosette. I've identified stars down to 11.7 or so in the full-size pic, and only hints of nebulosity. I've possibly got portions of the Witch Head, but nothing of Barnards Loop.

I could probably do with 'blooming' the bright stars a bit, as they tend to get lost in the starfield. Clicking on the pic should go to the full-size.

It's a better effort than yesterdays anyway - I'm happier with it.


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