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Registax AVI Advice

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Please could I have some advice on creating aligned/integrated avi's.

I've read the help docs and I think I'm aiming for an integrated avi to sharpen the frames. I get the difference between moving average and compression, but if I use compression I see the memory used rise and rise until my 4Gb is gone and rstax grinds to a halt. I have been using a 1.7Gb avi, but have larger to process.

Do the settings for aligned avis have an effect on the integrated avi creation?

I've tried several combinations of settings and either run out of memory or get an avi which when I play it back by selecting with rstax, doesn't move and then won't load anymore (in anything) cause gspot says it has a corrupt header.

Any pointers would be much appreciated :-)


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Hold the phone...... I tried something new when aligning which was to scan for the maximum area and I placed the ROI inside that . I'd not used ROI before, but thought it would reduce size. As a result, a moving average of 5 frames seems to be working in that the memory count is constant and not rising as it had been before.

I'll crack on, but any tips would be appreciated i.e. settings that have given best results.

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