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IC410 A wider view


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Well this will probably be my last image before I go into hospital next week - having my right knee replaced. (Not looking forward to it at all as I can still remember how painful the left one was when that was done and still is today ). Anything for the forseeable future will be with the help of my partner Joy as I won't be able to get in and out of the POD. To this end I swapped over to my wee WO66SD as it is far more forgiving with pointing and guiding and as I am going to be controlling it remotely I wanted something basic, reliable and not likely to throw a wobbler (plus its smaller so less likely to be thumped by someone in the POD who isn't me - don't tell Joy I said that!)

Anyway I thought as a shakedown I would stay on IC410 as I had done this through the Mak-Newt at a larger scale.

IC 410

T: William Optics ZS66SD + 0.8x reducer


F: Astronomik Ha, OIII & SII

G: SX Lodestar + SX OAG

M: NEQ6Pro via EQMod

Capture and Guiding: AstroArt5

Processing: Pixinsight, CS2

Spikes courtesy of Mr Carboni (to hide some 'orrible blue fringing)

Ha: 25 x 600 secs

OIII: 19 x 600 secs

SII: 29 x 600 secs

Stacked HA(L)SII/Ha/OIII


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