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Space Pics

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As a newbie here, I am in the primordial stages of planning for my new hobby. In doing so, I've just got to know about taking photos of the astronomical sights that we see.

Exactly what type of equipment do we need in order to take clearly resolved pics of space?


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That depends upon what you want to photograph. A camera with manual controls mounted on a tripod can capture star trails, satellites and meteors. With a telescope and the camera in a phone you can take half way decent pictures of the moon. With a modified webcam you can capture the planets. A DSLR or an astro CCD camera will let you shoot galaxies that you cannot even see through an eyepiece if you have a telescope with a good equatorial mount.

You'll never run out of things to photograph


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to get the clear great images on sgl ,about 4 grand pluss and about 10 hours per pic and getting all the kit to work at the same time ,or theres the dslr route and a decnt mount that will come to around 2 grand,or there's the 10 quid point and shoot and a digiscope adapter ,or like me and 1,000 of others a cheap webcam kit ,from Morgans and struggle on and get some decent-ish pics of planets and the moon, do not let this put you off but get the headache tablets ready

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