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Parallel guide port....


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Am I correct in thinking that one of these The Shoestring Astronomy Store - GPINT-PT

Is all I would need to physically connect my PC to a modded ST4, RJ12 socket'ed dual axis hand controller on my EQ3-2, and I would need no other interface gizmo's in the connection just a length of RJ12 to join the two...? I'm wanting to guide with my EQ3-2 and feel the parallel port is my best option considering I have this option on my PC.

Is there anyway I can make my own DB25/RJ12 socket, and are there any online instructions for wiring etc...?



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I'm not sure about the Eq3-2 but i just hard wired the parallel port into my hand controller to save some pennies, it's easily done with parts from maplins. You'll need the following parts:

Phototransistor Opto Couplers : Optocouplers : Maplin Electronics

25-Way D-Sub Hood with Thumbscrews : D-Sub Connectors : Maplin Electronics

And 4 1k resistors, Small box, some wire, (sorry i don't have the links)

I'm yet to get proper guiding but the interface works. I just need to get myself a decent cam :)

Or you could just spend the money on the gpint-pt to save the hassle lol

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Thanks Pete, I wish i was electronically minded enough to make up my own serial interface, I really wouldn't know where to start with all the resistors and stuff. I'm much like you doing it all on a tight budget, but with zero electrical knowledge. I have a friend who can solder bits for me, but he will only be following instructions from me for what wire go's where.

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