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How do I enter AZ GoTO Co-ordinates?

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Hi all,

Very happy with my new Skywatcher 127 GoTo scope on manual function, however having some difficulty understanding how to set the GPS co-ordinates.

I have found my location that I require on maps and they are as follows -

Latitude: 52.956830803287886

Longitude: -1.4790880680084228

Now I have to enter the Longitude then Latitude in the following format - 123 04'W 49 09'N.

This is where I get lost converting the information above into that.

Thanks in advance,


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Your longitude is -1deg 28min: 01 28 W

Lat is 52deg 57min: 52 57N

Time zone = 00


Not sure what else could make it go wrong but there will be something missed out.

Month is US format mm/dd/yy

You probably know this but always best to be as sure as possible.

Have fun.

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