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Good budget scope for me & my 8 year old

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I have been on ebay & the likes 4 a used scope & found this new Seben 700-76 Reflector Telescope New Big Pack .can any one advise on this as it comes with a barlow lens moon filter & a few eye pieces for just a smidge over budget ,or the 76 heritage as recomended by a few stars !! as its a crimbo gift for the ickle lass nice box counts with 8 year olds "Thanks for the warm reception SGL is a great place for advice :icon_confused:

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I would avoid Seben like the plague. I was interested in astronomy as a kid and was purchased a couple of these plasticy starter scopes. I saw virtually nothing at all with them and it was a waste of money. It's amazing I stuck with the hobby at all. If the option is between plasticy starter scope or some other present then I'd vote for the other present. From bitter experience I can tell you that the things will frustrate and never be used. I understand you're not going for a professional instrument but if a telescope is unusable then it's no use in any sense. Unfortunately, a lot of unusable telescopes are routinely made and bought.

The 76mm Heritage comes from a reputable manufacturer so I can see why it would get recommended here. However, since you bring it up, I'll say again that you can do much better. Making a f/4 telescope perform well is hard and expensive. It will be hard to align the optics and hard to focus. Even if you do align it and focus it the view will be very distorted by an optical aberration known as coma, which is much worse in these more compact telescopes. The 130mm Dobsonian will be an order of magnitude better in every way. Far easier to align and it will produce nice sharp images. It'll be easier to use too as it's not a table-top telescope. You will be able to see some really serious stuff with a scope like that.

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Welcome to the forum Rosty.

I have an 8 yr old too, besides two other previously 8 year olds :icon_confused:

If I was buying for them it would be the

First Light Optics - Skywatcher Heritage 76 Mini Dobsonian

Reason being, it has everything the young ones expect, looks great, and if they ever do get round to using it much (generally they dont because its dark and cold at night!) then it will provide functional views of the moon, and will also be fun in daytime too.

Anything too complicated, too long to setup, too expensive to be 'played' with, and the interest wont last at all.

Hope your choice goes well and she enjoys it!



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CHEERS AGAIN FOLKS !! Sooo Glad I walked out of Jessops & found this place.still looking for a 130 & others suggested "used" & have the 76 as a back up as it sounds fun & easy in the field as well, am I right in thinking the view will be reversed?

I will be checking out for a local club inbetween juggling my not quite 2 year old twins. Have a Great CrImBo !!!! Thanks Again for all the much needed help !!

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