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Awesome night on friday, not so good saturday.


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Past tense, as in last friday. Nice and clear, no moon so nice and dark too. Started off with some webcam imaging of Jupiter, then stuck the DSLR on and had a go at M31 and the Pleiades. Not too pleased with the results but the Bhatinov mask on order from FLO should help considerably. Then I just had a meander around with the 32mm EP and got some lovely views of the easier DSO's. Looking at NGC457 I was able, for the first time, to see why it is called the Owl cluster. Owliness spotted! All in all a very nice night outside away from the dreaded boob tube, hardly any dew and not very cold.

Sadly all this enjoyment was tempered on saturday morning by the passing of our little Jack Russel, Stinker, who features in my profile pic. 15 years young, for a very small dog, she has left a very big hole in our lives.

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