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Any of the PADAS gang here?


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Hi all

I was browsing through various threads as you do, and noticed a few ppl are in the Preston area and wondered if any were members of the Preston And District Astronomical Society? I was a member in the 90's to the point where I was a committee member but stopped going due to family commitments. I'm planning on joining again in the new year so i'm trying to touch base with the old members to see what the score is now.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi StuW,

Slightly off topic. I see you are in Leyland, i am based in Euxton. Not a member of PADAS but Bolton Astronomical Society (BAS). How are you for light pollutuion in Leyland, do you have any issues from St. Mary's all weather pictches and the like?

Uplooker / Ian

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I'm not a member of PADAS but I live in Leyland too. I haven't considered joining a society as with work and family commitments I'm not sure I can fit it in.

I'm new to astonomy so I would be interested in knowing of any dark sky sites in the area (if any), you know on the off chance we get a clear night anytime soon.

I had wondered if it was possibly to go up Winter hill using the handy access road to drive up to the transmitter and setup nearby. Not sure if there's public access allowed at night or if the place is covered in security lights though.

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Hi Ian and Andy,

light pollution here (seven stars) is terrible and not specific to any one source as far as I can tell. Dark sites i've been considering exploring are Farrington Moss, Tarleton/Hesketh Bank and maybe Rivington (if i can find some anti-dogger spray).


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  • 1 month later...

Went to the society meeting tonight, there were a few new members but dont know if they are on here. They had a talk about the SDO satellite that has instruments from the local university on board...

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk

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