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NGC hit list from last night


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12th November

tonight started off looking good until the dreaded dew the funny thing is i was dewed up before i even looked through my scope. i had set up and put a cover over the scope but left the end cap on so i think thats why i got condensation on the secodary so i just brought the scope in the house for half an hour to defog and put it back out too cool down nicely should get a good hour or 2 in looking mostly at the NGC star cluster's and hoping to find that one that looked like a butterfly from the other night.i was unable to find the NGC i wanted to find but i found some very nice ones.heres a list of what i veiwed in the NGC list :















as i veiwed these i was writing down little logs in my note book as refences. there were a few faves

NGC 7160 on first obs looked like a baby croc with two eyes a snout and a tail :D using a 25mm EP in a 8 inch scope i could 8 brighter stars but when the mag incread more stars were visable but the best veiw was with the 25mm EP.The two stars that make up the eyes were very nice one blue and the other a hint of orange.

NGC 7686 veiwed with a 25mm EP the first thing i'd noticed was a bright orange star lots of colour and 3 other blue stars to form nealry a square shape then a few other stars dotted around very nice.

NGC 6871 first veiwed with a 25mm EP big open cluster full of colour and double stars. when i decreased the mag down to a 32mm EP the size of the open cluster is imense the doubles in this cluster have a small amount of orange in.

i viewd some other NGC's as well but these were my favourites off the night.i went inside to check stellerium and it clouded over so i packed away but as always within half an hour it cleared typical!

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