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A grainy M33!


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The image is grainy because my SE mount can't track for more than a few seconds, so most of my subs were discarded due to star trrailing. The trails aren't even straight lines - I get loops, squiggles and triangles... So aside from losing most of my subs, the ones I did keep were only 45 seconds long.

I used an offset layer set to darken to make the oval stars round, and because my flats give a donut effect I used a blurred version of the image to subtract the gradient.

I know it's not much but I am pleased with it, being taken on an SE mount with a ST80 as imaging scope... :-)


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Not a bad result Ags considering the length of your subs.

M33 is pretty dim, I shot just a few 300sec subs of this when I was getting to grips with guiding and it was still pretty faint.

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Thanks for the comments. I am going to try get more data tonight. I should get better results if I let M33 rise higher - not only will LP be less but I think my mount tracks marginally better at the zenith. I'll also take new flats, hopefully I will get them right this time! It will be the first time I have added data from different sessions together.

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The image is grainy because my SE mount can't track for more than a few seconds, so most of my subs were discarded due to star trrailing. The trails aren't even straight lines - I get loops, squiggles and triangles... So aside from losing most of my subs, the ones I did keep were only 45 seconds long.

I used an offset layer set to darken to make the oval stars round, and because my flats give a donut effect I used a blurred version of the image to subtract the gradient.

I know it's not much but I am pleased with it, being taken on an SE mount with a ST80 as imaging scope... :-)

Good effort

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