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Royal Astronomical Society


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I was wondering whether it was worth that hassle of getting nominated to become a member of RAS. Are there any fellows or ex-fellows here that would like to share their experiences.

I'm a fellow, largely because I feel I should be - but it's like any society, what you get is largely down to what you put in, and while I occasionally attend the meetings it tends to just be a useful excuse to talk shop afterwards.

You get to call yourself FRAS, but it's rather pretentious really - you do nothing at all to earn the postnominal. Personally I think it would make much more sense for it to be awarded like almost any other professional body, and let ordinary members use MRAS (although I bet they wouldn't :) ). You get A&G which is decent enough, and possibly access to MN (either online or at a discount) although i'd doubt that's of much interest to many people.

im a member of the british computer socity, is the RSA similar?

Yes in that that's another organization that you get a lot out if you put in some effort, and very little if you don't, but the levels of the BCS roughly correlate with skills, experience and responsibility - MBCS is fairly automatic, but CITP and FBCS are much harder and taken seriously as professional qualifications. FRAS, not so much...

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I'm a fellow, largely because I feel I should be - but it's like any society really, what you get is largely down to what you put in, and while I occasionally attend the meetings it tends to just be a useful excuse to talk shop afterwards.

You get to call yourself FRAS, but it's rather pretentious really - you do nothing at all to earn the postnominal. Personally I think it would make much more sense for it to be earned like almost any other professional body, and let ordinary members use MRAS (although I bet they wouldn't :) ). You get A&G which is decent enough, and possibly access to MN (either online or at a discount) although i'd doubt that's of much interest to many people.

Unless the joining process has changed, I seem to remember you used to have to justify becoming a fellow in the application process.

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Unless the joining process has changed, I seem to remember you used to have to justify becoming a fellow in the application process.

I didn't - that was 15 years or so ago, but I don't believe membership qualifications have changed. I just needed one signature if I wanted to be a student member (?) or three if I wanted to be a fellow.

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I think Ben sums it up well. I'm a member (fellow), because I joined when I was PhD student when it was v cheap, and then I've never got round to canceling the direct debit. I think it's a "good thing" to be a member, because they do promote my profession in the UK, but I get little out of it personally. Flicking through A&G is an enjoyable 20 minutes a month when it comes in, and I have a drawer full of unused A5 diaries they send me every year... The £5-10 I save on meetings doesn't offset the £30 it costs me to get into London for them.

When I joined, I'm sure there was a distinction between a member (just join) and a fellow (had to be elected) -- but it changed about 10 years ago I think and everyone got a free upgrade. I'm still trying to work out how, other than becoming the queen, I can also get an ER postnomial, so I can be FRAS ER ...

I'll get my coat.

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The RAS is mainly a body for professional astronomers, although they do seem to be expanding into outreach these days, so if you have an interest there you might consider it. You also need to live near London to get the best out of it (the library is a wonder of ancient tomes).

You do get some book discounts though (although mostly, but not entirely, on academic astro books)!


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I'm still trying to work out how, other than becoming the queen, I can also get an ER postnomial, so I can be FRAS ER ...


I'm in the IoP as well (again mostly because i've never left) and alongside MInstP and CPhys, I got Eur Phys (at one point they tried to build a reputable counterpart to Eur Ing) so with a bit of postnominal-shuffling I suppose I come pretty close with FRAS Eur...

I'll get my coat too...

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