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x4 or x5 barlow?

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Hi All

I've had a search through the beginners forum and couldn't find an answer so hopefully someone would be kind enough to reply.

I've been using a 2x barlow with an spc900 on my 8" reflector and I've been happy with the results but not ecstatic. I want to know if purchasing a 4x or 5x barlow would improve my images and allow me to either see more detail or view a larger image of say Jupiter?

Many Thanks


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Thanks for reply Merlin66.

My scope is a fast F5 but I don't like the sound of a fainter image. SOunds like detail will suffer which is what I'm really after. I suppose I better go back to registax and work on my avi's.


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Enigmacell scope and skies do a 5x barlow with the thread.

I cannot for the life of me think of the makers name but it is a british company.

I did try to get one before I purchased my Antares but had a lot of grief and waiting as it was not in stock.

So I would ring them up first to make sure they have one in.


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To be honest I have never noticed any drop off in brightness when using my barlow.

I cannot dispute what Merlin is saying as I do not have the technical knowlage but as the chip in a 900 is so small I cannot see that it makes any difference.

You might notice it with a DSLR as it will have a larger chip.

With any luck someone who knows the ins and outs of this can put us both right.


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