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Exmoor camping sites?

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Doesn't look too bad- I have arrowed the approximate position of the site. I just hope they don't wreck your chances with array of stupidly bright 'farm lights'. If that is the case when you get there I would certainly highlight this to the owner. Afterall there's a large potential market of astrocampers out there.


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Interesting thread. I've just started looking at dark sky camping opportunities in and around Devon (being based in Exeter). The possibility of throwing camping kit and scope in a car and just heading somewhere for some dark skies is really appealing. I was looking around Hartland Point, but Exmoor is much easier to get to.

Looking forward to hearing your experiences.


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jbk44, I do know of a great site as I have camped there myself. The skies were so dark, it took me ages to find the plough! I will try and dig the information up for you as the farmer and family running it were really nice people. It was a small site, conventional with all the facilities but kept very small. Exmoor is literally a hundred yards away and you can see it from your tent.

Promise to get back to you.


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Thank you very much to you all for you response to this thread.

Laser Jock I rang the camping site that I suggested and they are aware that exmoor had been in the news regarding astronomy, I asked them would the campsite be dark and the response I got was ‘yes the stars look amazing here’, I’m hoping that there might not be too many people wanting to camp there in the winter. They might even put aside a part of the campsite for astronomers if asked politely. I will ring them again to see if this might be a possibility. They would certainly benefit from this idea, as I’m sure the members of SGL are not the only astronomers looking for dark sky’s in the south UK. Great map you have posted thank you!

Kai and James, thank you I’m going to take a look at these places as soon as I’ve posted this message. Can you tell us a little more about your experience’s there?

If either of you have stayed during the winter months and have something to say that would be great.

Cloudnine I’m going to try the campsite I first posted about on the 21st 22nd of this month (practice for the Salisbury star party), if you fancy popping up it would be great to see you. I need all the help I can get with this new hobby! Keep us updated if you do go camping, and as your sort of local to this area it would be a great help to others that are not.

JMB thank you so much for the info I will be trying that place as soon as I can. If possible I will make a date for November it sounds like a great place... Just the sort of place I’d like.

Again thank’s to all of you.

Exmoor’s sky has been protected for people like us, all we have to do is use it.

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