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Glow Worms & Light Pollution


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I don't think i've ever seen one.

We're heading down a dangerous road, not just with regards to light pollution, which i think is just a symptom of a much larger problem. A problem that's destroying all hint of culture, society, our soul and our dreams. And we can all pretend that nothing's wrong when we have a roof above our heads and access to TV and the Internet, but we're just pretending. We teach our kids to pretend too, because we don't want to see them hurt by the truth. And if we don't do something about it soon then we, as a species, won't be around for much longer. At least, not in a form we would recognise.

/midnight philosophy :)

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I used to do alot of night fishing in my youth (early 80's) on the Kennet and Avon canal in Wiltshire, and regulary saw many glow worms in the hedges, until recently I was still fishing at night and can't recall seeing any at all.

As regards light pollution, my area near Lakeside shopping centre in Essex is horrendous. I've just bought a scope for my son for his birthday and have been trying to get to grips with it when he's in bed but find it so frustrating especially when my neighbour 2 doors up has their back garden lit up like Blackpool Illuminations for no reason what so ever. I can't wait to take the scope the next time we go to my mum's on the Isle of Mull, you can't see someone stood next to you!! that is going to be awesome.

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