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ESQMOD Help Please

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I have been playing with ESQMOD but am having some issues and was wondering if anyone can help....

In the EQASCOM Toolbox app i am tring to set up my scope but no matter what i do i cannot select any other Mount then SYNCEQ and if i try and use the EQASCOM app i just get a connection time out.

Heres what ive done so far

* I have a C9.25 and am using a USB-To-Serial to connect the laptop to the mount via the celestron hand controller.

* I have installed the drivers for the USB-To-Serial (COM1) and installed the NexStar software that came with my scope. This app works fine and i can via my laptop do everything with the scope that i could using the physical remote.

* ASCOM Platform 6, ESQMOD & The Unified ASCOM Celestron Drivers from the ASCOM site yesterday have been installed.

* Using the EQASCOM Toolbox i can Register/De-Register

* Once registered i can select driver setup, all off the options bar mount type are accessible

* If i "Test Connection" the EQASCOM app shows connection time out.

* Using the ASCOM Diagnostics tool i can in device type select "Celestron Scope Driver" & when I hit connect i am told i can connect successfully.

Any ideas?


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