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Trouble finding objects

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I think I am going mad. Had the scope out tonight, 3 star align on heq5 synscan no probs. Finds objects ok, andromeda in centre if eyepiece. Problems start after I try imaging with dslr. After focusing on vega using bahtinov mask I point back to pleides and take a few snaps. Then I try and go bad to andromeda but now I can't see it in the eyepiece. I check my alignment by skewing to vega and Its centred ok. I go back to m31 and still nothing so I try the dumbbell nebula and also nothing! What's going on, how can I see stars ok but not m31? Where's it gone?! Help please, I'm pulling my hair out.

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Sounds very odd. The Go-To is obviously not doing its job, you really cant miss M31 if it is in view, but apparently its not. My mount does this occasionally, but I usually realign the scope and try again. Are you attaching the DSLR after the allignment, if you are then it may be an imbalance in weight or you may unknowingly be shifting your mount while making the attachment. I wouldnt pull your hair out just yet, Give it another shot, make sure your rig is very balanced, and attach your camera carefully. Good luck!

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Two things I think you need to consider is getting the HEQ5 accurately polar aligned and star aligned, and then concentrate on one object at a time for imaging. It's not like taking holiday snaps - you may be underestimating the effort required. Focusing will change for each object and you'll need a series of well planned shots to create a good image for each one.

I'm no imager but I've seen these guys at work and it's not so easy as panning around the sky and snapping away. :)

Edit - take a look at how this chap describes the way he caught a single deep sky object:


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