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Cloudy Nights. Fed up!!

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I feel your pain sabana. I once approached the Met Office to advise me how many clear nights had there been for in the last year for my area. They emailed to advise that such an enquiry would cost me an initial fee of around £180 with an hourly research charge calculated thereafter to go and dig out the info, presumably not computerised with any search facility.:p I explained that it was for personal use and that as a tax payer I had already purchased this information by paying for is collection in the first place - a small charge perhaps but not a second mortgage - crikey, for that amount I would demand front row seats to watch an authentic rain dance in an appropriate costume! It would seem the Met Office is devoid of humour as well as the ability to predict any weather accurately, even though they possess the ability via satellite to see what's coming.

I use SAT.24 and a look towards the west from an upstairs bedroom an hour before assembling the scope. You might want to look in your diary/calendar to see when there are any family parties or anniversaries, the sort of thing that is difficult to get out of, because sure as night follows day, that very same night will not only be free of cloud but will also be one of near perfect seeing!;):D

There's always tomorrow night!:eek:


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I too feel your pain.

I haven't managed to get out for months. As noted, any clear nights I've had to go out, had an early start for work, or have been too ill. Last night was beautifully clear so I set up the mount, was just about to run the alignment rountine when the clouds started to roll in and that was that...

Same thing tonight... Really clear skies at 7 o'clock but as the dark came, so did the cloud.

So I'm still waiting for first light on the Atik 383L+ I bought a few weeks ago...

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I've found that the best thing is not to try and plan an evening's viewing.

I find/have other things to do in the evening, I'll then look outside from 10pm onwards and see what it's like, if it's clear I'll set up the scope and away I go, but because I don't plan it in advance, if it remains cloudy then so be it.

I've also been caught out a few times by setting up while clear and then having a cloud bank move perfectly over.

But... sometimes when the cloud is intermittant you get very good views in between the clouds. I think in those circumstances the cloud absorbs some of the light pollution.


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