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Help with polar scope please

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Hi everyone,

I have just been figuring out my new EQ5 and have now turned my attention to the fitted polar scope.... I have read Astrobabys guide which is fab, however my only question is which index on the time circle do I use? The reason I ask is because if I use the one shown in the guide the result doesnt agree with the polar finder software, however if I use the other scale it does. I always thought you use the one that went clockwise?

I'm sure that either I have done things correctly and I simply use the other scale or the software is telling porkies lol. Help!

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if position of polar star position agrees with software, then it must be other scale. I have given up on these scales long time ago and I'm using polarfinder all the time.

how is your new mount performing? Is it goto version?



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Hi guys, thanks for the replies. I have actually sorted it all out now and I was correct, the only reason I doubted was because Astrobaby's guide advised to use the other scale on the RA axis. I'm sure it just varies from mount to mount but I checked properly last night, and the polar scope orientation was fine with the Big Dipper where it should be and tracking was fab. I only have the manual EQ5 but it's rock solid with my Skymax 127 and I may get the Goto upgrade at some point..... For now though I chucked the plastic knobs and bought these instead :p

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