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QHY woe


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My QHY9 has busted - boo hoo, it seems the peltier or the associated gubbins has given up the ghost.

Had a word with Bern at Modern Astro and he has been on to QHY and has recieved a "fix" for his engineer to have a go at, so today I have posted my cam off to Bern....thats the good news, the bad news is that if it cant be fixed here it will have to go back to China!! Bern dropped into the conversation that the last time he sent something back there for repair it took "months" to come back.....NOT what I wanted to hear! :)

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the bad news is that if it cant be fixed here it will have to go back to China!! Bern dropped into the conversation that the last time he sent something back there for repair it took "months" to come back.....NOT what I wanted to hear!

I had a QHY2pro that died on me. I sent that back to China but instead of repairing it I had it upgraded to the IMG2Pro spec .... my chip, new camera. I think it was back inside 6 weeks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The ongoing saga continues. Bern was supposed to meet his engineer at Kelling last week and hand over the CCD for repair, said engineer has decided at no notice to take an extended holiday!!! CCD has gone off to another engineer BUT!!! QHY have been on holiday so the new Peltier hasnt been shipped yet...The swear filter wont let me continue.....................

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