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Upgrading scopes - advice please

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I am looking at upgrading my scopes (current kit list as below) and would appreciate comments / advice on the best scopes to upgrade to.

I am provisionally looking at an 8-inch Dob for extended observing sessions and an 80mm apo refractor / alt-az mount combo as the grab'n'go setup. The models from Skywatcher look ideal for my needs but any other suggestions would be welcome.

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Where abouts in Hertfordshire are you John?

It's a bit hard to advise anyone what to buy as we all have different tastes, and budgets.

Do you want to do any imaging, now or in the future

What are your intended targets - DSO or planetary

How much you willing to spend

What preferences - star hopping or goto ?

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Where abouts in Hertfordshire are you John?

It's a bit hard to advise anyone what to buy as we all have different tastes, and budgets.

Do you want to do any imaging, now or in the future

What are your intended targets - DSO or planetary

How much you willing to spend

What preferences - star hopping or goto ?


Thanks for the reply.

My current interests are visual observing - all objects.

Imaging is a possibility for the future and I will be looking into that as a separate issue.

My budget is up to £1000 over both scopes and the tripod. I will buy upgraded eyepieces as a separate purchase.

I'm not a fan of GoTo so would be looking at starhopping to targets.

I'm based in Welwyn Hatfield and am a member of a local astro group (LDAS) so have a number of people I can ask for advice and access to a range of scope setups to try before I buy. I drive so getting the scopes to site is not a problem.

Does this whittle the choices down at all?

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Hi John, a fellow LDAS member... It's a good active group and whilst I'm not involved as I used to be (membership secretary in the late '80s to mid 90's) support them as best I can. They also have a nice 14" Mead in the society observatory.

A grand is quite a budget, and would get you a decent scope. Dobsonian's come to mind as you want to star hop, but I'm sure some of the larger Meads also have an option of coming on a non goto mount. If you are looking for long term investment rather than changing scopes, and that imaging may be a thing you want to dabble in later on, then a driven EQ mount is essential. Typical scopes in this range would be a Skywatcher 200P on and HEQ5 mount. It's a general all rounder. F5 so it's fast enough to give nice bright images, and just about portable.

However the choice of scope is a personal thing and what's suitable for me... may not meet your requirements.

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I thought I recognised the name! Being a member of a group is a definite plus as I can use all manner of scopes before taking the plunge. A driven mount is a possible purchase as part of the upgrade.

Many thanks for your help and hope to see you at some of the meetings (I'm also on the committee).

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You need to do a lot of research, do not rush things. You can ask your question to a dozen people and I am afraid you would get a dozen different answers.


Thanks for the words of wisdom. I know what you mean as you can get so confused with advice that you can't make informed choices - paralysis through analysis.

I have a few ideas and will be taking my time before parting with my hard earned cash. :)

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Here are some thoughts...

Portable planetary, SW Mak127.

Portable widefield, SW ED80 or second hand TeleVue Pronto, say £300.

With an HEQ5 at some time later you'd have a great imaging scope with either refractor but would also need a flattener.

Large scope, simply the biggest Dob you can find.

Personally I find planetary viewing on an undriven mount a bit of a hassle so I would go for the portable widefield, but that's just me.


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John, do you distribute the weekly tv/radio bulletins ?

Yup, I sent next week's listing yesterday. My email address is on the last page of the LDAS newsletter so if you don't currently receive the listings email then send a blank email and I will get back to you via reply. Alternatively you can see me during the meetings and I will take your details down there and then.

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Here are some thoughts...

Portable planetary, SW Mak127.

Portable widefield, SW ED80 or second hand TeleVue Pronto, say £300.

With an HEQ5 at some time later you'd have a great imaging scope with either refractor but would also need a flattener.

Large scope, simply the biggest Dob you can find.

Personally I find planetary viewing on an undriven mount a bit of a hassle so I would go for the portable widefield, but that's just me.



Thanks for your input. The Mak / refractor combo is another that I'm considering, either the SkyMax 127 or bite the GoTo bullet and go for the 5 or 6 inch Celestron SE. Having spoken to a number of people regarding this the received wisdom seems to be a Dob for the extended observing and an refractor as a grab'n'go setup, hence my original request at the top of this thread. I will definitely consider the Mak though, possibly as a separate imaging scope as and when i move onto that aspect of astronomy.

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Thanks for your input. The Mak / refractor combo is another that I'm considering, either the SkyMax 127 or bite the GoTo bullet and go for the 5 or 6 inch Celestron SE. Having spoken to a number of people regarding this the received wisdom seems to be a Dob for the extended observing and an refractor as a grab'n'go setup, hence my original request at the top of this thread. I will definitely consider the Mak though, possibly as a separate imaging scope as and when i move onto that aspect of astronomy.

Careful, the Mak would be OK for planetary but useless for deep sky. There you need a fast f ratio.


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Nothing wong with an 8" Skywatcher Dob, but how about a GSO?

GSO Dobsonian 200C - special offer model

Teleskop Service are good to deal with and if the 8" mirror is as good as my Revelation 12", (also GSO) it wil be very, very, good. You would be unlikely to find better in a commercially made scope (as opposed to custom, David Lukehurst et al).

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Just checked out the scope you mention. Very impressed!!! As with all Dobs you get an awful lot for your money and this one looks the business.

Have you dealt with this supplier before? Given that they are based in Germany I was wondering about delivery turnaround and if they have agents in the UK.

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I bought an 8" Pyrex Skywatcher from them a few years ago. Ordered online Sunday evening, delivered Wednesday morning! Scope was +/- £80 cheaper than here. Delivery from Deutschland same as our inland.

I think it was Telescope House who imported the Revelations (GSO) but they seem to have dropped them for Skywatcher.

I believe some on here have had niggles with TS brand refractors, but personally I can't fault the service I got with the Skywatcher.

It's a pity the Pound has dropped so much in value these past years; at 68p to the Euro, TS prices were considerably less than here. Rip-off Britain??

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I've never had problems with TS. Had a defective item purchased from TS recently (manufacturers fault not TSs) and sent an email to them at 1:00am this morning and got a reply back from Wolfi at TS at 5:00am saying post it back and they'll replace it.

The German dealers like TS do have a great range to choose from, and sometimes do have good deals on scopes, but be sure to compare with UK prices first as many times it's actually cheaper in the UK.


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A big thank you to everyone who responded to my request. As usual SGL members have shown their mettle and provided a wealth of sound advice based on years of knowledge and experience.

I have now sold my original scopes (80mm achromat 'frac and SkyMax-90) so will be upgrading in the near future.

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Some good advice here. I would highly recommend the ikharos 102 apo - sold by Ian King - it is a great scope and just about grab and go, and comes with a flattener/reducer if you want to get into photography at some point.

Just read some of the reviews on this site.

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Some good advice here. I would highly recommend the ikharos 102 apo - sold by Ian King - it is a great scope and just about grab and go, and comes with a flattener/reducer if you want to get into photography at some point.

Just read some of the reviews on this site.

Hmm, not one that I had considered. I will check them / it out. Thanks.

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