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Sore eye after using Baader solar film

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I very much doubt bacteria are to blame. As optics are stored in a dry place, they are unsuitable for bacterial growth. Besides, your eyes should not normally touch the optics (certainly not the cornea), and bacteria do not jump. The lysozyme and various defensins in fluid on your eyeball should dissolve most if not all of those very few that might get across.

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Well Baader certainly don't hang around.

Although already established by visiting the opticians Baader have also confirmed that there should be nothing to worry about. Overall I am very impressed with the level of after sales service. Given the time differences they got back to me quickly and stood by there product confidently.


there is no precedence existing to what you describe and consequently we would want to advise you to not use this product if you don't feel comfortable with it.

When not in use the mounted filter is to be stored in a controled environment (i.e. a dry box, with the filter layer not rubbing against any adjacent surface). In this case the film can be used for many years - until you may note scratches or bright areas from mechanical contact of fingerprints or other use that may lead the film to age. But this can take many years.

So actually we have no way to understand your feeling of a tingling sensation - only recently - while you report the film to be unharmed and used w/o problems before..

If you have such a feeling the film might have been damaged or scratched without you noticing it. We do not want you to suffer any harm, so please do not continue to use it.

Also please make sure you received an original piece of AstroSolar Film of 5.0 neutral density with all safety instructions attached. We do add the two pages of instructions which MUST accompany every piece of AstroSolar Film. In case you have not received these instructions together wirth your piece of film please let us know the dealer address so that we can advise him accordingly. Please carefully read the right hand side text on the first page of the instructions.

Also make sure with your dealer that you did not by chance receive a piece of PhotoSolar film having an optical density of OD 3.8 instead of OD 5.0

Best regards,

Service Team


BAADER PLANETARIUM GMBH * Zur Sternwarte * D-82291 Mammendorf

Tel.: +49(0)8145-8802 * Fax: +49(0)8145-8805 * kontakt@baader-planetarium.de

http://www.sbig.de * http://www.celestron.de * http://www.baader-planetarium.de

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